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Air Tickets Exchange and Refund

391 байт убрано, 14:54, 18 июня 2019
Нет описания правки
* in case of guaranteed refund, the category of auto refunds is used, the priority of this category is higher;
* for non-guaranteed return, a category with a description of penalties is used, which is launched only if no guaranteed return is available.
The launch of a non-guaranteed refund can be disabled in the Office ID settings on the GDS Amadeus side.
# Go to '''Technical support → {{NameProject2}} web services → Communication settings''' section.
# Enable the '''List of EMD on return''' in the '''Use nemo1 settings in avia for sections'''.
==Manual claims work principle==
Also there is a '''«Service information»''' button on this page, by clicking which, the detailed information on the order is shown. There, in the '''«Related orders»''' line, all the links to present claims can be found.<br>
'''''While sending a refund claim''''' it is necessary to choose its type: voluntary or involuntary (the system offers help in making this decision by hints about what returns can be considered as involuntary or voluntary, the hint text itself is edited in the «Language Resources» section.).<br>
To complete, you must specify or edit the contact information, which is loaded by default from the customer form on the order page, and click '''«Send claim»'''. The order will be synchronized with the GDS and the claim with the status ''«New refund claim»'' will be created. Additionally, notifications will be sent to the client’s and agent’s email: ''«New ticket refund claim»'', its design is adjusted in '''«Letter templates»'''.<br>
 '''''When While creating an exchange claim''''', the client describes the desired changes in free form, for example departure time change, then he fills in or edits the contact data. And after pressing the '''«Send claim»''' button, the order is syncronized with GDS, and the claim with the ''«Send ticket exchange claim»'' status with client’s comments is sent to the agency, and its copy is sent to the client (e-mail notification).<br>
=== Restrictions for claim creation ===
==== Booking import from GDS ====
Последним этапом обработки заявки является импорт новой брони из The final stage of processing a claim is to import a new booking from the GDS. Для проведения импорта необходимо указать номер To carry out the import, you must specify the PNR в системе поставщика и выбрать number in the supplier’s system and select the ''пакет реквизитов, в котором создан заказrequisites package in which the order is created''. После успешного проведения импорта статус заявки изменится на After a successful import, the status of the request will change to ''«Выполнено»«Completed»''. <br>Завершить обмен или возврат по заявке, не требующей импорта брони можно, включив флажок You can complete the exchange or refund of a claim that does not require booking import by turning on the '''«Не импортировать новый «Do not import new PNR»''' и нажав кнопку and pressing the '''«Завершить обмен»«End exchange»''' или or '''«Завершить возврат»«End refund»'''button.По выполнению заявки на странице основного заказа будет показано сообщение о выполненном возврате или обменеUpon completion of the application, a message on the completed return or exchange will be displayed on the main order page. <br>
==== Rejecting the claim ====
The manager and expert of the agency / sub-agency can reject the user's application at all stages of its processing up to the import of a new reservation. Clicking on the “Reject request” button opens a form for entering the reason for rejection, which will be visible to the user. Filling in the cause is optional. The rejection of the application is logged and displayed in the table “History of changes in the application”, as well as a notification is sent to the e-mail specified during the creation of the application. Notification template can be set in the '''« System settings → Notifications and documents → Letter templates»''' section . Template name is "Request for return or exchange rejected (type_book_return_rejected)".
If a full ticket refund is made for all passengers, then upon completion of the refund, the main order will become '''«Canceled»''', and all additional services will be canceled. Cancellation of additional services can be carried out only with a full refund.<br>
Upon completion of the ticket return operation, the main order page will display a message '''«Refund was made»''' или '''«Partial refund was made»'''.
== Automated exchange ==

