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Air Tickets Exchange and Refund

75 байт убрано, 18:46, 20 июня 2019
* '''Enable seat removal when sending a return claim''' — the option includes automatic seat removal in the GDS when sending a claim for a return ticket. If all passengers are selected for the refund, then an appropriate request for the removal of seats is sent to the GDS. If a part of the passengers is selected for the refund, before sending a seat removal request, the passengers who do not require a refund are allocated to the new PNR (split), and for the remaining passengers in the order, the seat removal is carried out. <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 240, 245)"><span style="font-size: large"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0)">!</span></span> '''The setting works only with GDS Sirena Travel and Amadeus! The setting is taken into account only in the manual refund mode; if the automatic mode is used, the activity connected to this setting is not counted.'''
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 240, 245)"><span style="font-size: large"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0)">!</span></span> Orders with removed seats will be displayed in the personal account page '''Seats removed after ticketing''' queue only if the '''Enable seats release ability''' setting, available through '''Product control → Aviatickets → Processes → Ticketing process'''.
*'''Allow claim manageable for booking without tickets''' — настройка разрешает перевести обмен в ручной режим, если в процессе обмена от поставщика не вернулись номера билетовthe setting allows you to transfer the exchange to manual mode if the ticket numbers were not returned from the supplier during the exchange.
*'''List of EMD on refund''' — Has the following format: SU:RSVR,PENF;UT:MISC. For this setting to function, administrator must:
# Go to '''Technical support → {{NameProject2}} web services → Communication settings''' section.

