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[[Категория:Авиабилеты]][[Категория:Железнодорожные билеты]]
'''TimelimitTime limit''' is the time given to perform an action or operation.
== Booking timelimittime limit==<!-- [[Файл:Timelimit.png|600px|thumb|right|Настройки таймлимта на оплату заказаTime limit settings for order payment]][[Файл:Timelim2.png|500px|thumb|right|Значение таймлимита на оплату на странице информации о заказеTime limit for payment on the order information page]]-->'''Booking timelimittime limit''' — is the time allowed to pay and issue bookings.
<span style="background-color:#fff0f5;">'''<span style="color:#ff0000;">Attention!</span>''' If payment is not made or is not fixed before the time limit for payment, the order will be cancelled automatically (provided that the auto cancellation of unpaid bookings is enabled for the agency).</span>
=== Booking timelimit time limit settings ===
At the end of the time limit:
* with the "Enable auto cancellation of bookings" option enabled in '''Site management → Domains and protocols''', the booking auto cancellation is launched.
The timelimit time limit is set separately for each component in the section '''«System settings»''' → '''«background processes»''' → '''«Time limits»''':
* Air tickets
* Hotels
* Rail
To set the timelimittime limit, it is necessary to select the type of service and user, for which the settings will be applied:
* '''General time limit''' — defines the mechanism for calculating the total time limit value for payment and ticketing: (this setting contains two options: the type of time limit and its value)
**'''''Booking date''''' — means that the time limit starts on the day of booking at 11:59pm.
**'''''Booking date plus ...''''' — in this case the time limit takes the value of the total time of booking and the specified time value.
**'''''System time limit minus ...''''' — the time limit is set as supplier timelimit time limit minus the preset value.
**'''''GDS time limit with max limit ...''''' — if supplier time limit is greater than the set value, then this value will be used, if less - suppler's time limit will be used.
*'''Value''' — this option allows you to set the time range of the general payment time limit in the selected unit: seconds, minutes, hours, days.
* '''Time-limit: autocancellation time for unpaid B2C orders''' — the time provided to pay for booked orders of individuals. * '''Time-limit: autocancellation time for unpaid B2B orders''' — the time provided to pay for booked orders of companies. * '''Deadline for enetering mandatory extra data to a booking (in hours before a service start)''' — This option allows you to redefine the supplier time-limit depending on the airline. The time-limit is counted in hours from the date of order creation. The values are set in the following format: CODE_IATA:value, CODE_IATA:value (several values can be separated by commas). For example, SU:2.5,PS:3
'''Attention!''' For the '''Recalculate Additional Time Limit from Airline Supplier (set in hours from order creation date)''' setting to work correctly, you must enable the '''Recalculate Additional Time Limit from Airline Supplier immediately after Booking''' setting below.
* '''Recalculate Additional Time Limit from Airline Supplier immediately after Booking''' - recalculates the time limit immediately after the booking if the setting "Additional limit on time limit from supplier by airlines" is used
'''Attention!''' Be careful when using this option! If you are using the time limit from the fare text, we cannot guarantee that it will work correctly by 100%. When this setting is enabled, the <u>agent will take responsibility for its value</u>.
=== Time-limit Display ===
The date of cancellation can be seen on the booking confirmation page, on the page with order information and in the '''"Personal Account'''" ("Autocancellation" column ).
If the time limit is prior to booking (this is possible if the '''''Actual Time Limit from Supplier minus...''''' is set to a large value or the booking is made on the day of flight/trip/purchase/hotel arrival), then a message will be displayed for air travel that the booking is not relevant. And hotel rooms, which are not fined from the moment of booking, will be booked only after prior payment, as well as orders with fines from the moment of booking.
=== Manual time-limit modification ===
[[Файл:PopupChangeTLnewFormBookflight2.png|300px|thumb|right|Pop-up for manual time limit modification]]
In the '''«Orders» ⇨ «Time limits»''' section, there is '''''«Manual time limit modification»''''' setting. The setting allows the manager and experts of the agency to manually change the time and date of the time limit to pay for the order. This functionality is applicable to airline and hotel components. To change the time limit, you need to use the "Change time limit" link, which is located under the line "This price is valid when paying for the order till" in the payment information block on the order information page.