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Rail transportation

73 байта убрано, 19:20, 22 января 2020
Selection of car and seat
=== Seat selection for «Common», «Sedentary» and «Soft» cars ===
[[Файл:bez mesta.png|right|200px|thumb|Выбор вагонов типаSelection of cars: «Общий»«Common», «Сидячий»«Sedentary», «Мягкий»«Soft»]]
After choosing the desired type of car, you will be given the opportunity to choose the number of seats and the range of numbers (within which range you want your seats to be). Thus, the system will automatically select the available seats within the specified range. If it is needed to choose a specific seat in the range of seats, the client must indicate the same seat, namely the one he wants to choose. After that, the «Buy» button will become active and turn green, which means that you have chosen the right seats and can proceed to the next section. To proceed to the next stage of the booking, it is necessary to fill out such drop-down lists as: «Seats» and «Seats with». If they are not filled in or filled in incorrectly, when you try to click on the «Buy» button, the following validation message will appear - ''«Please indicate the number of seats and the range of numbers.»'''
=== Seat selection for «Luxury», «Reserved seat» and «Coupe» cars ===
[[Файл:smestom.png|thumb|200px|right|Выбор вагонов типаSelection of cars: «Люкс»«Luxury», «Плацкарт»«Reserved seat», «Купе»«Coupe»]]
After choosing the desired type of car, you will be given the opportunity to choose the number of seats by clicking on the available numbers on the car scheme. Seats are divided into upper and lower. The gray ones are the upper places, and the white ones are the lower ones. If you want to cancel the marked places, just click on it the second time. After you select seats, the «Buy» button will become active and turn green, which means that you have chosen the right places and can proceed to the next section. If no places are selected, when you click on the «Buy» button, the following validation message will appear - ''«Please select the desired places.»''
[[Файл:Sapsansostrelkoi.png|right|200px|thumb|Выбор мест в вагоне "Сапсан"Selection of seats in the «Sapsan»]]

