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Nemo web services payment integration for mobile apps

83 байта добавлено, 13:30, 23 ноября 2018
Description of the background order synchronization
== Available web-services ==
Before sending payment transactions , you have to create a successfull booking. Status of Order should have the order should be "booked"status. After that , you can go proceed to the payment.
There are three web services used in payment process:
* '''Payment initialization'''
== Payment workflow ==
Below there is the scheme of payment workflow.
*Due to some reasons (lost internet connection, etc.) user was not redirected to UrlToCatch.
*Payment status of the order was not delivered yet from payment gateway to Nemo system and it the additional one is required additional in a few seconds or minutes.
Order synchronization is periodically sending UpdateBook request to get actual common and payment statuses.
*[[Agency API. Payments]]
[[Категория:Агентский API]]