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Reallocation of funds

410 байт убрано, 00:39, 14 июля 2020
Principle of operation
{| class="wikitable" align="center"
|[[Файл:Схема перераспределения средств субагентаreallocation_of_funds.jpg|800px|center|Рис. 1 Таблица со всеми выделенными депозитами пользователей субагентстваAgent reallocation scheme]]|-|Subagent reallocation scheme: Счет пользователя - User account, Пользователь - User, Счет субагента - Subagent’s account, Счет группы пользователей - User group account.
===Billing strategy===
===Loan payment and refund for orders payed by the distributed account===
When you pay for a loan or make a refund, the amount is returned to the account from which the payment was made. If this account has already been deleted, the amount will be returned to the account of the first in the hierarchy above the object in which it is installed.
== Subagency funds reallocation ==