→The functionality of b2b
;The main functions of b2b System are:
:The input and storage of subagent profiles with the possibility of automatic download of the information on the subagents information from the CRM System of the agency;
:Configuration of multi-level subagent networks providing opportunities for the subagent to control a lower hierarchy.
:Flexible control of extra charges, discounts, commissions of subagent, depending on the commercial conditions for the content;
:Providing automatic and semi-automatic mode of processing reservations and secondary operations;
:Accounting of deposits and management of credit limit and credit status of the subagent with the possibility of getting information from the :CRM System of the agency;
:Providing the subagent with an opportunity to fix set additional fees and chargesindependently;
:Automatic unloading of the information about orders to the accounting System of the agency;
:Flexible configuration of the set of locations for booking and registration for each subagent.
:Branding of the System interface and outgoing documents (alerts, itinerary receipt) to the subagent styles.
Working with subagent network by means of a via the System, the agency is able to provide its subagents not only with GUI, but also with the possibility of integration on a single XML API, which is similarly to the GUI will take into account all features, content and price settings.
In addition to the functional capabilities, provided in the System directly for subagents, the System has the next additional specialized functions designed to work with corporate clients:
*Input and storage of the information about the corporate clients of the agency;