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4 байта добавлено, 18:20, 13 мая 2020
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* click ''' ''Add user, group or company'' ''' button;
* in the window that appears, enter the group name in the corresponding field;
* click ''' ''Save'' '''.
You can rename any group or change its "parent" (except the default group). To do this, click on the pencil icon in the Edit column column for the selected group. On the opened page, you can rename the group, nest it in another group higher in the hierarchy, or make it the default group for new users.
Created groups cannot be deleted, they can only be renamed.
In order to move a certain user to another group:
# Go to the '''Account Management → Agents & Users → Management''' page and find the required user in the general list. To make it quicker, you can use the search by login or user name.
# Click on the arrow in the '''Group''' column opposite the required user to open the drop-down list: [[File:moveuserMoveuser_en1.pngjpg|center]].
# Select the group to which you want to move the user.
# Click '''Save'''.

