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An example of the Website Privacy Policy

20 байт убрано, 13:41, 30 ноября 2018
General information
Personal data is stored in encrypted form and only for the purposes of increasing the usability of the service. The data owner is provided with an opportunity to view, edit and delete personal data by means of the "private office" functionality.
To purchase as a natural person you do not need to create an account in the system. In this case, in order to get the access to your booking you have to enter a secret access code (a set of numbers and letters) that will be displayed on the order page and duplicated in an e-mail notification of successful booking. We do use cookies to store information about your device so you do not have to enter an access code each time you open an order page. In case you forgot or lost the access code and changed the device, you can restore access to the order by entering its number and last name of the first passenger. To ensure that the access code, the order number and the last name of the first passenger can not be brute forced, the system limits the number of attempts for data entry per unit of time.
If you create an account in our system, your orders will be tied to this account and displayed in your personal “private office”. We will also store personal data of the passengers that you have entered, so that you can reuse it when creating new orders. Nobody except you has the access to the passengers’ personal data stored in your personal “private office”. You can delete your account in your personal “private office”. In this case all personal data associated with your account, including your orders, will be deleted from the system.
Personal data related to orders is stored in an encrypted form. Only you and our company’s employees staff have the access to this data. Our employees staff use your personal data only for purposes of analysing and solving technical problems (for example, an error during the booking due to an unacceptable format of the data). Use of personal data for other purposes is prohibited by the nondisclosure agreement that is signed by each of our employees. Personal data from the orders will be deleted after the completion of the service execution time, after the end of the acceptable terms of exchanges and refunds for the services and after the end of the reporting period.