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Nemo web services payment integration for mobile apps

43 байта добавлено, 13:44, 21 января 2015
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<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 240, 245)"><span style="font-size: large"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0)">!</span></span> '''Warning!''' Do not send this request very often. No more than one request per 3 minutes. Also do not send it infinitely while you do not get PaymentStatus=”fully_paid” and Status=”ticket”. Limit the total number of synchronization requests to some value.
There is a recommendation for periods of synchronization. Firstly send synchronization request 5 times for every 3 minutes. Then send request 6 times for every 10 minutes. If successfull statuses were not retrieved, you should terminate synchronization.
== See also ==
*[[Agency API. Payments]]